What I have learned from taking this course??

When taking this course I have learned that there is a great deal of research needed to conduct a research project and experiment. It showed me how to do a layout of the research project and furthermore showed me where to start when working on a research project. What interested me most was the art of how a research project can produce and how to take the subjects needs into consideration. As researchers it can be easy to get stuck into the art of the work and forget the ethics behind making others feel comfortable. Research can be very invasive; thus being very transparent and empathetic towards the needs of the families is very essential.

The style of the research project is determined by the type of research project. There are several methods at which you may implement when working a research project. My original perspective was that you may chose the method at which you would like to work on you research project with, nut I have learned that it depends on the type of project. Organizing our research project is very important, by knowing what is the dependant and independent variable and knowing the constant as well. Having the most reliable outcomes would mean not allowing any outside variables that are outside the researchers control to sway the validity of the outcome.

EECERA Current Research

I researched Early Childhood Australia. I searched media to see what were the current issues or developments in their media. Ironically it is the some of the same discussion as what is happening out here in the United States. The topics that I found most appealing is the topic No truth in story about sex education for toddlers. My thoughts to this were why is that so important at such a young age. “There are no plans to roll out programs in kindergartens or pre-schools about cross-dressing or sex education,” said CEO Sam Page. “A sensational headline in news limited papers today is making a false claim”(Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe,S.A,& Siraj-Blatchford, I., 2010).

I have different thoughts about that. I feel that there should be no specific topics based on cross-dressing and sex education as well: Doing that will show that there is something different about the LGBTQ community. I do feel as if they should place them in more books and then if the topic comes up then have a natural conversation about. My daughter who is 4 years old is curious yes but once I explain how people are different that’s what makes them special she embraces everyone. I feel like no there should not be a program for the education of it, but it should be naturally introduced.

Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe,S.A,& Siraj-Blatchford, I.(2010).Doing early childhood research: International perspective on theory and practice.(2nd.ed.) New York: NY:Mc Graw-Hill