What I have learned from taking this course??

When taking this course I have learned that there is a great deal of research needed to conduct a research project and experiment. It showed me how to do a layout of the research project and furthermore showed me where to start when working on a research project. What interested me most was the art of how a research project can produce and how to take the subjects needs into consideration. As researchers it can be easy to get stuck into the art of the work and forget the ethics behind making others feel comfortable. Research can be very invasive; thus being very transparent and empathetic towards the needs of the families is very essential.

The style of the research project is determined by the type of research project. There are several methods at which you may implement when working a research project. My original perspective was that you may chose the method at which you would like to work on you research project with, nut I have learned that it depends on the type of project. Organizing our research project is very important, by knowing what is the dependant and independent variable and knowing the constant as well. Having the most reliable outcomes would mean not allowing any outside variables that are outside the researchers control to sway the validity of the outcome.

EECERA Current Research

I researched Early Childhood Australia. I searched media to see what were the current issues or developments in their media. Ironically it is the some of the same discussion as what is happening out here in the United States. The topics that I found most appealing is the topic No truth in story about sex education for toddlers. My thoughts to this were why is that so important at such a young age. “There are no plans to roll out programs in kindergartens or pre-schools about cross-dressing or sex education,” said CEO Sam Page. “A sensational headline in news limited papers today is making a false claim”(Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe,S.A,& Siraj-Blatchford, I., 2010).

I have different thoughts about that. I feel that there should be no specific topics based on cross-dressing and sex education as well: Doing that will show that there is something different about the LGBTQ community. I do feel as if they should place them in more books and then if the topic comes up then have a natural conversation about. My daughter who is 4 years old is curious yes but once I explain how people are different that’s what makes them special she embraces everyone. I feel like no there should not be a program for the education of it, but it should be naturally introduced.

Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe,S.A,& Siraj-Blatchford, I.(2010).Doing early childhood research: International perspective on theory and practice.(2nd.ed.) New York: NY:Mc Graw-Hill


I chose to write on this topic because I now have a new career working with the department of children and family services and have learned that a great deal of problems within a child’s mentality comes from the home. My entire educational goals have been surrounded by the educational aspects of child development. Looking at that angle I my primary focus was to connect with the children, but as time progressed I have learned that before and outsider in a child’s mesosystem can bring about an attachment with a child, the child must first aquaria that attachment from their microsystem. My research is focused on why an attachment is so important in a child’s life and how can we as educators increase the likelihood of the child having this strong bond.

Views on Poverty

Where I am from poverty is something that you will eventually come into contact with. Educating yourself and gaining experience in the work place in the only true way to stray away from poverty. Living in LA, is expensive; thus making it a sink or swim city. Unfortunately when children are raise in a less footnote community they learn those customs thus making poverty a reoccurring instance.


Child poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon and can be measured in many ways. It is imperative that governments make a commitment to child poverty reduction, recognizing and responding to child poverty is the first priority, alongside building expertise and improved approaches to child poverty measurement. Understanding child poverty to the fullest possible extent is vital. While an adult may fall into poverty temporarily, falling into poverty in childhood can last a lifetime – rarely does a child get a second chance at an education or a healthy start in life. As such, child poverty threatens not only the individual child, but is likely to be passed on to future generations, entrenching and even exacerbating inequality in society. UNICEF is working to more fully understand how and where children are experiencing poverty, to allow a more nuanced set of policy responses in national mechanisms such as poverty-reduction strategies.



Professional Contact

My professional contact would have to be my aunt Jackie Majors. She is a mother of two, and wife, an AKA, and oh yeah the CEO of crystal stairs. Crystal Stairs is a program to help families by promoting child advocacy. Not only do they have head start programs but they also help many families pay for child care. Mrs. Majors has inspired me to follow in her foot steps by first majoring in child development at cal state Northridge like myself and getting a master’s in education. As I watched her children for years I silently watched as she graciously made her way up.

My Supports

My daily support would first consistence of my motivation to live and the reason for my determination; my daughter. She pushes me to become driven and my inspiration for success. Although my daughter is what supports my drive, my family supports my ambition. I have so many goals and it pulls me any various directions. With my family knowing that, they are extremely helpful when it comes to guiding me and assisting me when needed. Organization is also what supports my goal in supporting my methods. Making sure that I am following all of my natural steps on a daily provides me with a safety net with knowing that everything will stay consistent. Without my support system my life would feel chaotic. Although I strive to work independently I know that sometimes I need help. With being a single parent I try to do everything on my own to show my daughter that she can be strong just as I am. It is not so easy to be the mother and the father, work, finish school, and make sure that we are safe. Having my family has made wearing all the hats that I wear easier to maintain.

My connections to play

“Imaginative play is essential to cognitive development, but it is becoming endangered by our busy lives.  Children who do not engage in imaginative play because their time is overly structured or spent watching television or other forms of media are not developing the language and reasoning skills that are so critical to early childhood development” (Bodrova & Leong, 2015).

Children are meant to utilize their own imagination, because it instills the gift of problem solving. Subconsciously children are learning to problem solving when making their own rules, building prop and environments, communicating in role play, and etc. There are numerous amounts of ways that children can learn through just playing with peers or even through imaginative play by themselves. Having a child watch TV all day can taint their child ability to use one’s own imagination. Children are not utilizing the skills needed to develop language and reasoning skills.

“Play is an essential part of every child’s life and is vital for the enjoyment of childhood as well as social, emotional, intellectual and physical development” (England). The most natural state of mind for children happens when they are playing. With knowing that, it is quite understandable that in this state of mind a child is more liable to learning meaningful lessons. The brain of the child is not fully developed, therefore attention maintenance it not the most feasible benefit when working with a child. To gain a child’s attention long enough to be able to educate them, one must first place them in the mindset of play; bringing about enjoyment.

As a child I was encouraged to play outside with friends. Although my parents may have had an ulterior motive to get my siblings and myself out of their hair, I was learning to use our imagination. Every night after homework we would play outside making up all different types of games. One of our favorites was called capture the flag. The flag would be in the front yards of many neighbors’ yards and was guarded by the opposing team. We had to figure out ways to capture our team’s flags. We didn’t know it but we were problem solving; coming together and making up various plays based on the scenery, amount of players, and amount of flags. This game was just one of many games that we played together and in the process we learned how to communicate and were scaffolding various instances. With the new technology children are more likely to play inside. Videos games have taken over and although children are still utilizing their problem solving skills, they are lacking the socialization and physical aspects of being able to play outside.


Almon, K. (2002). The vital role of play in early childhood education. Retrieved from http://www.waldorfresearchinstitute.org/pdf/BAPlayAlmon.pdf

Bodrova, E., & Leong, D. (2015). Play: The Work of Lev Vygotsky. Retrieved from Child Development Media: http://www.childdevelopmentmedia.com/articles/play-the-work-of-lev-vygotsky/

Davis, J. (2011, Dec 30). What is imaginitive play and how to encourage it? Retrieved from Learning 4 Kids: http://www.learning4kids.net/2011/12/30/what-is-imaginative-play-and-how-to-encourage-it/

England, P. (n.d.). Freedom to play. Retrieved from Why is play important?: http://www.playengland.org.uk/about-us/why-is-play-important.aspx

Relationship Reflection

Healthy relationships are a vital component of health and wellbeing. There is compelling evidence that strong relationships contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life. We are social creatures and with that being said having a relationship is vital to increasing prosperity in your life.